Friday, May 10, 2019

Bradley Introduction

Hey Mom, Dad and anyone else that will read this!

So, the trip that I've been patiently waiting for this past semester is finally a reality. We've been in the van for nearly thirteen hours now and we have a couple more remaining until we reach Scott Air Force Base, but the excitement hasn't died down yet. The ride's consisted of several practice weather briefs, some minor logistical errors courtesy of me, and several stops for food. The weather has been calm where we are, but with internet connection and no shortage of knowledge from LCDR Burich and Professor Barrett, conversation about the severe weather we hope to encounter has been nonstop. We just finished up looking at charts of the upper-level air, moisture, instability, etc. for the next week or so and it's looking like we might have some action later next week!

Earlier today, Professor Barrett said chasing tornadoes is like visiting a mobile national park. That description exactly explains what I hope to experience on this trip. I hope to apply what I have learned this past semester to form memories that will last a lifetime. The majority of this trip is still up in the air (literally and figuratively), but that's part of the excitement! I can't wait to see what's in store. Stay tuned.


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